Early Fitness

DSC01518 rings circa 1924 Hawaii

Last week when I was visiting Molokai my family and I hiked down tothe Kaulapapa peninsula.  I visited a tourist book store that had a few bits of history on display and I saw these metal circles.

Later I researched early gyms and I found a page on the internet that outlined some of the basic pieces of equipment that were included in some of the best gyms in the world. What was interesting to me was it was pretty much exactly what a typical CrossFit gym looks like today. It seems like we were on the right track with fitness a century ago.  

1 mile run
Body weight Back Squat, 75 reps
1 mile run


Water Polo Rally this Saturday at 12:00.  Come out and show your support.

Birthday Boy

DSCF1308Leif meeting the standard

With the recent regional qualifier and last chance video qualifiers the issue of standards has been a common topic. A friend send this text message:

"and wtf is CrossFit slop? What ever happened to virtuosity?".

Referring the the classic Glassman article "An open letter to all CrossFit trainers". So it should be no surprise when a CrossFit coach demands better movement. CrossFit is about becoming a fitter healthier human being, not beating a clock. Another Glassman article from 2003 "The Pull Up" clearly states

"The requirements for the CrossFit pull-up are simple yet tough to execute. The pull-up begins from a hang at full arm and shoulder extension and ends, regardless of grip, with the chest pressed tightly to the bar."

So it should have been so surprise when the CrossFit Games required the chest to bar pull-ups.

Post thoughts to comments.

Workout: Rest Day

Coach D

DSC05862Mid WoD

This past weekend we had small crew hang around the gym all day in support of a couple of our athletes. This coming weekend we are planning something a little different and a lot bigger. We are getting together to rally support for the UCSC Water Polo Teams. The boys and girls teams have been cut from athletic department for next year.

We will be having a workout, a BBQ and possibly a band. Clear your schedules and plan on a great time.

For time:
50 Muscle-Ups

Wounded Warrior

DSC00761 Brent back in February.

Injuries in sport and in life are bound to happen.  What happens when we get injured? Can we still CrossFit if we are injured? One important concept to remember when injured is DON'T ROT. Often an athlete will get injured and think that taking a few months off will help. What we see around the gym is the opposite. Those athletes that train with and around an injury heal faster, return to peak health quicker and are generally happier than those athletes who stay home.

Brent is one of our athletes that didn't let an injury keep him out of the gym. Today 4 months from bicep tendon surgery, the workout was single arm Snatch. With one arm Brent used the 24kg and with the recovering arm he used a lighter kettlebell. At the end of the workout interested to see if he had regained enough strength to do a pull up, he attempted one.  You can see his attempt on our Athlete Achievements page.
Rest Day

Stand Tall

DSC05817Andrew and Coach D in mid WoD

Not standing tall and completing reps is quite often laziness in an athlete to complete the motion. Most often seen during a set of high rep air squats. However, the real problem with not standing tall arises when we allow the hip flexors to get so tight as to restrict complete range of motion. This shortness is often seen as the inability to fully open the hip in an explosive movement like the clean or snatch. Forcing complete extension of the legs and hips is more than just legitimate, it is mandatory for elite performance and optimal health.

KBS Snatch Left arm
KBS Snatch Right arm
GHD Sit-up


P1010224 Handstand

If you want to watch the 2009 CrossFit games you should considerbuying your spectator tickets in advance. They are $30 now and $60 the day of the event. We would like to have a big cheering section for our affiliate cup team and Patrick so buy early.

WoD Videos
Trevor Win E' WoD

Warm Up: 3 rounds
Run 200
10 KBS
5 Dips

800 meter run
50 pound dumbell Front Squat, 30 reps
30 inch Box jumps, 30 reps
800 meter run
50 pound dumbell Front Squat, 20 reps
30 inch Box jumps, 20 reps
800 meter run
50 pound dumbell Front Squat, 10 reps
30 inch Box jumps, 10 reps