
Our very own Rob Miller, a World Class Climber and Coach, recently free climbed a new route on El Capitan. Rob dedicated 2 1/2 years to the climb, and the actual feat took him 7 days. Miller, you are nothing shy of amazing in all that you do.

Clean & Jerk: 3-3-3-3-3

The 3 reps. are 'touch-n'-go'.
Find the maximum weight that you can perform 3 reps. of clean and jerks at without putting the bar down. You can regrip the bar if needed after the clean, after the jerk, or before going back to the ground, but you should ultimately not regrip with the bar resting on the ground.

Riding for a Reason


David Laurits in Los Angeles having just completed his 10th California AIDS Ride. He cycled 545 miles, from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
The ride is impressive, but even more impressive is his dedication to complete the ride 10 times.
Way to put your fitness into a good cause!

Pick one:
Ride 545 miles on a bike
45 minutes of pick up basketball
swim 2000 meters
Run 5 miles

Look At Her Now!


Vivian Y. Sobarzo-Pena started Crossfit June 28, 2006 and weighed 205 lbs. at the time. One year later, she's 148 lbs of muscle. Vivian now has a 110 lb. overhead squat, kipping pull ups, rope climbs and box jumps, none of which she did when she was 57 lbs. heavier. She attributes her weight loss to not only Crossfit, but the ZONE diet as well. We are so proud of you, Viv. You are an inspiration to us all.

3 Rounds for time;
500m Row
15 95# Thruster

Push It


Caitlin Alcamo (top), Melanie Ayers (middle), and Nancy Reilly during a max set of push ups.

Are you signed up for the Crossfit Games? If not, there's still time.
Interested in coming, but don't want to compete? We're looking for a few more volunteers to help out. Please email: annie@crossfit.com

30 Pull Ups for time--Rest 3 min.
100 Squats for time--Rest 3 min.
20 Pull Ups for time--Rest 3 min.
Run 800m for time--Rest 3 min.
10 Pull Ups for time--Rest 3 min.
100 Squats for time--Rest 3 min.
Max set of Push Ups

The HealthLift


Danielle lookin' good mid deadlift. Danielle is only a few months post-knee surgery, and back to doing just about everything at Crossfit. We're proud of you, Dandy.

Find your max deadlift.
Try 10-5-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1.... as a rep scheme for finding your max.
Rest 5 min.
Take 25% of your max and perform a full eight rounds of tabata deadlift. Remember that eventhough the weight is now considerably lighter, you must still stay extremely focused on form.
Post max and lowest tabata score to comments.