Work the Back Side

IMG_0475 Rose pullups

Summer time is coming to an end and a few of our beloved college students will head back to school. Rose has been a fixture at the gym for some time now and is always a positive, hard working, and lovely young woman to spend time with. We wish her well on her adventure as she embarks on year two at Vassar.



7 rounds for time of:
7 Body Weight Back Squats
7 Burpees


This week is your last opportunity to sign up and join our very own Laurie Galassi this Saturday August 13th for one of her Hand Stand clinics. The sessions will last 75 minutes each and will break down the handstand and incorporate plenty of whole body activitie.

11:00-12:15 Beginning handstands-- handstands against a wall, in free space, walking and some handstand push-upping-- a good place to get started with handstands-- no prior experience needed.  

12:30-1:45 All things handstand.  Ideally people in this group are comfortable kicking up to a handstand in free space already, and are fairly comfortable on their hands.  The second group would cover handstand walking, push-ups, parallette handstands, pirouetting, and more depending on the athletes.

Each clinic will cost $20 and anyone wanting to participate must sign up in advance HERE. The clinic will be limited to 10 participants.

-We will running a regular 8:00 and 10:00 am classes