Taking Over

CFSCLeifThruster Leif squeezing his butt.

Sometimes in work and in life we need to stop for a moment, take a step back and re-evaluate. If you are passionate about what you do or the relationships you belong to, reflection is a great skill. The even better skill is being able to follow through and make real change.

Today's food log comes from Mark:

5:15 AM half of a zone bar (1C+1P+1F)

7:15 AM post-workout protein shake (1C+3P)

8:30 AM 3 scrambled eggs, 1 piece of bacon (31/2P), 3 oz vanilla yogurt (2C+1/2P) with 1/2 cup frozen blackberries and 1/2 cup frozen blueberries (2C), 36 almonds Total: 4 blocks, 3x F

1:00 PM "Taco Salad with Chicken" large plate of lettuce, 1 1/3 tsp olive oil and vinegar (1C+4F) 4 oz. grilled chicken fried in olive oil with onions and bell peppers (4P+1C+1F) 2/3 cup black beans (2C) 1/4 cup guacamole (6F) Total: 4 blocks, 3x F

4:30 PM Salmon jerky (Fish Bros. from New Leaf) each 1 oz package=2P, 4 prunes=2C (I know, I'm old, but I like them and they are an easy way, compact, portable way to eat some healthy carbs), 18 almonds (6F) Total: 2 blocks, 3x F

8:00 PM 4 oz. grilled chicken (4P), 2 cups broccoli (2C), serving of kale salad (1C+1F), 2 prunes (1C), handful of cashews, 4 Fish Oil capsules Total: 4 blocks, 3x F

10:00 PM Zone Perfect Bar (2 blocks)

Total 17 blocks for the day plus the protein shake. This is a typical day for me when I'm home, when I am at work I eat four 4 block meals at 8:00 AM, 12:30 PM, 4:30 PM, and 8:00 PM, plus half a zone bar before a 6 AM workout.


