Push It

IMG_5577 Nooners pushing it.

What is it to push it?  Everyone has a tolerance for suffering.  Where the tolerance lies will vary by day, month and year.  CrossFit provides the atmosphere to allow us to push ourselves out of our comfort zone.  Remember "Comfort is an illusion. A false security bred from familiar things and familiar ways. It narrows the mind. Weakens the Body. And robs the soul of spirit and determination. Comfort is neither Welcome nor Tolerated here."

Rest Day

Schedule Notice:

This weekend is the CrossFit Games Regionalcompetition and the Human Race.  We will not be running regular classes this weekend, the last class will be taught at 12:00 on Friday. We will resume our regular schedule Monday morning at 6am.

The Regional will be streamed live on the internet for FREE .


The Human Race begins Saturday at a 8:00am this year. Join us at 2300 Delaware Ave (across the street from the back entrance of Natural Bridges State Park)

If you haven't signed up yet, there is still time!

Heather will be at the gym from 7:30 -7:45 for anyone who wants to warm up and roll out.  Everyone else meet at the starting line WEARING YOUR CROSSFIT SANTA CRUZ GEAR!  Thank you for your support!