Strong Mama

DSC04251  The Mom

A year and a half ago Carole was diagnosed with degenerative disk disease in her cervical spine, carpal tunnel syndrome in both arms, epicondylitis in both elbows and trigger finger in three of her fingers. She couldn't lift her arms overhead and she couldn't hold a cup of coffee in the morning. Instead of cortisone shots and daily ibuprofen, Carole started one-on-one training sessions with her daughter, Coach D.

Yesterday, at 58 years young, Carole got her first pull-up. Not just her first pull-up after her diagnosis of degenerative disk disease, but her first pull-up in her life. She can also do weighted, over-head squats and she competed in the Masters Division of the Santa Cruz Affiliate Competition. More importantly, she can pick up her grandchildren and has no problem buying the 40lb dogfood bag for Nala.

Carole attributes her progress and success to three things:
1. One-on-one sessions with Danielle as well as attentive coaches who focus on technique and range of motion during workouts and on body maintenance (trigger point therapy, PNF, stretching) several times a day.
2. A Physical Therapy visit with Kelly at SFCF where she received treatment, a list of body maintenance homework and learned methods to improve sleep position and ergonomics at work.
3. The paleo diet. After starting the paleo diet in February, Carole has lost 25 pounds and reports reduced inflammation and significantly reduced pain/stiffness in her neck and arms.

Although degenerative disk disease never goes away, it is possible to stop it from progressing. And as Carole shows us, growing older is not just about surviving, its about thriving.

-Heather Mac


3 rounds for time of:
400m Run
12 Overhead Squats 95 lbs
21 Knees-to-elbows