
DSC07415 Coach D

Most goals in CrossFit have to do with decreasing the time it takes to finish a WoD.  A few pit falls to avoid of course are poor mechanics and incomplete range of motion.  Keeping these simple guidelines we can start to think of creative ways to modify a workout to best fit our needs and help us keep the intensity up.  If your Diane times moves well outside of ten minutes, it is a completely different workout than if it stays under 5 minutes, like Jesse's 3:40 today.  So, modify smart.  Make it as hard as possible while keeping it fast and legit.  Using rubber bands to assist handstand push ups is a great example of this.  We get athletes inverted and pressing, while keeping them moving through the workout at a quicker pace.

3 rounds for time of:
500 meter row
20 inch box jumps, 30 reps
3 Rope Ascents