Plan Ahead

DSC01601 "The Ranch", site of the 2007, 2008 and upcoming 2009 CrossFit Games. Aromas CA, south of Watsonville.

Three years ago 70 athletes competed in the first ever CrossFit Games. Last year, the event grew to over 200 competitors and hundreds more spectators. This year 17 regional competitions were held around the world, to narrow down the field of athletes qualified to partake in this elite competition. Each regional event hosted close to the same number of athletes at the entire games had the year before.
The third CrossFit Games will take place July 10, 11, and 12th, In Aromas. It is guaranteed to be a great sporting event. To make it even more exciting, our resident mutant Pat Barber is an automatic qualifier and competitor for this year (He placed 4th last year.) Also, 6 additional athletes from our gym will be competing in the Affiliate competition (athletes to be announced soon.)

It is highly recommended that you buy your spectator tickets in advance here, as the event may sell out this year, and it is half the price if you buy your tickets online before the event.
Also check out the CrossFit Games Website for more info.

Mondays Workout
Three Rounds for time of:
1 Deadlift at 85%
2 Muscle ups
3 Cleans @ 85%
4 Hand Stand Push Ups